About Us


Introduction About Our Digital Agency Sector

At Icyatsi Company Limited, we are your dedicated partner in the digital world. Founded in August 2023, we specialize in a range of digital services, including web development, IT solutions, social media management, employee training, web hosting, digital media privacy, and networking services

Company Mission

At Icyatsi Company Limited, our mission is to shape the digital success stories of our clients. We accomplish this by offering a comprehensive suite of digital services tailored to their specific needs and challenges, ensuring their excellence in the digital age.

Company Vision

To be a leader in the digital realm by consistently providing cutting-edge solutions that exceed client expectations, drive growth, and leave a positive impact on the businesses and individuals we serve.

Company History

August 2023: The Journey Begins In August 2023, Icyatsi Company Limited was founded by a young and visionary individual who was then a student at the University of Rwanda. With a passion for technology and a dream of making a meaningful impact in the digital realm, our journey began as a single-person endeavor….Read more

Solution For Your Every Digital Solution

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Trusted Over 2300+ Companies in the World


Need Best Help For Digital Corporating!

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